Mindset · 15. April 2021
The first 4 months of this year are nearly gone so now is a good time to reflect on the first quarter of 2021. This blogpost is a summary of 5 lessons I learned so far.
Mindset · 25. March 2021
This blogpost is Part 3 and therefore the last part of a three-parts series. In the first part (click here) I tell you everything about the importance of your mindset, what a lack mentality is and why you think the way you do. I recommend reading this part first before the other two parts. In the second part (click here) I introduce you to the three methods/techniques of Journaling, Affirmations and Education and how they can help you to transform your mindset. In this part I will guide you...
Mindset · 15. March 2021
This blogpost is Part 2 of a three-parts series. In the first part (click here) I tell you everything about the importance of your mindset what a lack mentality is and why you think the way you do. I recommend reading this part first before this blogpost. The third part will be online on my blog soon. ☺️ In this part I will guide you through different methods and techniques that will help you dissolve your limiting beliefs and creating your lack mentality into a mindset of abundance (more...
05. March 2021
I am not religious and have never fasted before, so this is how my first time fasting ever went (raw and honest).
Mindset · 25. February 2021
This blog started as a blog about my Working Holiday in Australia (click here for more information on that) and since that was always my biggest dream I named the blog "The Dream-Catcher Blog". It just resonated with me so much at that time. Now my goal with this blog is to teach you how to go after your dreams and it really doesn't matter which dreams you have, they could be the same as mine or completely different ones. Because the only thing preventing you from already living your dreams is...
15. February 2021
To be really honest with you, I am slowly but surely getting tired of publishing blogposts about my gap year in Australia when I know no one is able to do the same at the moment or in the near future. So instead of talking about my experiences in Australia all over again, I want to give you useful advice on what you can do RIGHT NOW (which isn't affected by the whole pandemic situation) in order to be fully prepared and ready to go once international travel is possible again. Side note: This is...
Breaking news, I love and adore Australia. So this blogpost is in no case any rant or any listing of reasons why I wouldn't want anyone to go Australia. It's just some little things I haven't really noticed whilst being in Australia, but now as I'm back home in Germany for nearly a year I realize that there are indeed some things I don't miss about Australia aka. I prefer in Germany. I remember sitting on the floor of the Hamad International Airport in Doha together with a friend, fully...
Yeah, Corona sucks and it might take another whole while until Australia decides to open their border again for international tourists and backpacker. Meanwhile you can read this blogpost and take notes on all the fun stuff I highly recommend doing while being in Australia, no matter if you're travelling as a backpacker, international student or a simple tourist. (Don't forget to subscribe to my blog (there is a form at the end of this blogpost) to not miss any further blogposts and provide me...
It's not like backpacker who are talking about their Working Holiday are lying. Each Work & Travel experience is as different as the traveller hisself. So the things stated in this blogpost might not be suitable for every backpacker's experience. However they are things that I wish someone would have told me before I was going abroad. For that reason I am sharing them with you today. Please let me know if this was helpful or, if you went backpacking yourself in the past, you can agree to...
(If you missed the first part to this blogpost click here to get to it.) (For the german blogposts about my east coast trip click here, please note they are NOT a translation of this blogpost but more another topic) Here come another few of my favourite spots in Australia and what's the real story behind them on why I love them so much. Warning: This part is slightly more emotional than the first one, so be prepared! 😄

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