
Mindset · 15. April 2021
The first 4 months of this year are nearly gone so now is a good time to reflect on the first quarter of 2021. This blogpost is a summary of 5 lessons I learned so far.
Mindset · 25. March 2021
This blogpost is Part 3 and therefore the last part of a three-parts series. In the first part (click here) I tell you everything about the importance of your mindset, what a lack mentality is and why you think the way you do. I recommend reading this part first before the other two parts. In the second part (click here) I introduce you to the three methods/techniques of Journaling, Affirmations and Education and how they can help you to transform your mindset. In this part I will guide you...
Mindset · 15. March 2021
This blogpost is Part 2 of a three-parts series. In the first part (click here) I tell you everything about the importance of your mindset what a lack mentality is and why you think the way you do. I recommend reading this part first before this blogpost. The third part will be online on my blog soon. ☺️ In this part I will guide you through different methods and techniques that will help you dissolve your limiting beliefs and creating your lack mentality into a mindset of abundance (more...
Mindset · 25. February 2021
This blog started as a blog about my Working Holiday in Australia (click here for more information on that) and since that was always my biggest dream I named the blog "The Dream-Catcher Blog". It just resonated with me so much at that time. Now my goal with this blog is to teach you how to go after your dreams and it really doesn't matter which dreams you have, they could be the same as mine or completely different ones. Because the only thing preventing you from already living your dreams is...
Mindset · 25. December 2020
"Remember how most of us started 2020 thinking that this is going to be the best year of our lives? And then not only did it not work out the way we imagine it to be, it became the most chaotic year we've ever had. It started with one adjustment. And then another. And another. And eventually that became our entire year. Just living through one adjustment after another." - Ron (@ronwritings). If there's one quote to describe this year for the most of us the best, I think it's this one. I...
Mindset · 25. November 2020
Is it brave to move to the other side of the world by yourself at the age of 19? For most people it is. For me it never was. Being brave for me means to overcome your fears and moving to Australia by myself (for more about that click here) was never one of them. A little blogpost about fear, courage and why dreams are often a balancing act between those two.
Mindset · 05. November 2020
This blogpost is your personal reminder to do whatever the f*ck you want. Because in the end we are all gonna die and no one remembers a thing. You only have this one life, this human experience and why should you do anything else than what you want to? It doesn't make sense to waste your time and therefore your life with something you don't love doing and something that doesn't make you happy. We all know that. But sometimes we need to hear it again. So get ready for something that will not...
Mindset · 25. October 2020
I started this blog when I started precisely planning my gap year after high school in Australia (click here for more information on that). Most of the blogposts you find on this blog are all centered around my gap year: the way I prepared, the experiences I made (click here), what I learnt (click here) what I did after (click here) and so on and so on. I am aware that I really preach going abroad and travelling (only if that is what you want to do of course) and I stand to 100% behind that....
Mindset · 05. October 2020
Maybe you already heard of the LOA (= Law of Attraction) or maybe this topic is totally new to you. Whatever might be the case, in this blogpost I want to give you a little introduction of the world of the LOA. After watching "The Secret" on Netflix (a movie I highly recommend if you have no idea of LOA and want to get a brief but efficient overview) I began researching a lot and diving deep into that topic. I read so many books and articls regarding this, watched many YouTube videos and...
Mindset · 15. September 2020
Everyone struggles with self love. Everyone, no matter how "perfect" they might look in your eyes. At the end of the day we all have our insecurities. I would like to point out that men struggle at least as much with self love as women. Many people think that this topic is only a matter for women but that is not true. Men's bodies are sexualized too and that doesn't help the sexualization of women's bodies at all, but I do want people to notice more that men are pressured by society and social...

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